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Yoav Shamir is available for speaking engagements and to run filmmaking workshops worldwide. His latest lecture series took him to Hamburg, Boston, Washington, Cape Town, London and Seoul.

"His  presentation is illustrated with examples from his own films, and here he  offers a range of technical details about choice of interview partner, venue, camera position, anticipated viewer  response, and so on. The current generation of students seems to have the necessary tools to engage without hesitation in such a discussion, with interest and with confidence. And before anyone quite notices what is happening, it has become an  unusually penetrating analysis of the socio- political situation.   Yoav Shamir's work is  of obvious interest to those in the media business, but what became very evident  to me as I observed him in a workshop situation, is the remarkable  way in which discussion of the  process of making a documentary film offers an exciting space for social and political analysis. With his playful and at the same time ruthlessly professional approach, Yoav Shamir's seminars are an unforgettable experience.  He is not only a great filmmaker but a brilliant educator."


Professor Gordon Mitchell, University of Hamburg.



"Shamir has remained thoughtful, provoking, and a dedicated proponent for peace.  At Northeastern University where he was invited by the Dean of the College of Social Science and Humanities, he showed himself to be a compelling speaker who is able to answer difficult questions while maintaining a professional and unruffled presence."


Inez Hedges, Professor of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures and Director of Cinema Studies, Northeastern University


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